Blackpool '23 is over

Blackpool '23 is over

So Blackpool '23 is now long over, but that means '24 is getting closer.

I was at the convention with PropDog but allowed to pop 'A Bit of Rough' on the stand. Chuffed to say it sold out, or to put it another way, I didn't bring enough with me.

I had the pleasure of aiding Mila of Custom Sponge fame set up her stand for the first time, and I was hit but the excitement that one day, in 365 days time to be exact I would setting up the Monster Magic stand for the very first time.

Along with Mila who has an artistic and creative mind, that evening I set about what the Monster stand would look like. Some ideas where far fetched, like building a second floor for a roof garden bar but the list is pretty good and I can't wait to realise some of the concepts.

First however, I need to get cracking on Monster Magic releases. This is where time is an issue, I basically need to abandon all hope of a social life for the near future. focus big time on Monster Magic's growth and be super efficient.

The future is looking bright, the future is Monster..

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