About Monster Magic

About Me and Monster Magic
I started out as a teenage street magician in the edgy metropolis that was 1980s Bath. I wanted to be the next Harry Houdini and was so keen to push the boundaries that I accidentally set my own underpants on fire.
It didn't deter me and I still love coming up with original and quirky tricks. I recently won a stage magician prize with a shopping trolley full of soup.
In the past few decades I've done everything from close-up magic, to weddings, to comedy clubs. I've learned it's not always the flashiest trick that gets the biggest audience reaction.
The last four years have been at PropDog Magic Shop, where I've gained a reputation for being the most honest magic reviewer in the world (dodging death threats).
Monster Magic has a unique focus, not all about growth and profit, but to provide the best possible advice and service to the magic community.
I personally hand-pick which products appear on Monster, giving you a whole load more confidence.
Alex Kirk, 2022

Getting a laugh at the comedy store
When I started out in the '80's I never dared to dream I would one day stand on The Comedy Store stage and make the whole room laugh.
It may have been just one laugh, but a dream fulfilled.