I’m often described as a bit of a magic bibliophile. I’m never sure if it is a compliment or an insult. It certainly sounds like a geeky obsession and a bit odd.
Hands up, I love reading magic books, probably too much. Okay definitely too much. But here is the secret, it isn’t a chore.
I have heard many many times over the years people claim they are not readers, prefer video etc. I don’t argue I’m not going to force anyone to pick up a book. I struggled for years to get my daughter into reading, believe me I’m not going to go through that with a stranger.
This morning it dawned on me the great things about a magic book.
I’d had a late night, back from performing and normally I would just open the laptop and immediately start working. But today, I made a coffee (instant) and picked up Semi-Automatic Card Tricks by Steve Beam.
I flicked through and just read 7 or 8 tricks at random, no cards in hand or anything.
What joy, I honestly discovered two forgotten/lost gems, plus a terrific bit of visual comedy. So sure, 5 effects didn’t resonate with me, but I still found them interesting.
However that isn’t the great thing about books. Here you go:
- It was so quick to pick up the book and read a trick. My laptop wouldn’t have loaded to the login page.
- The physical nature of a book mean you can literally scroll through 50 effects in seconds, dip into a trick and either read further or move on.
- You get the same excitement flicking through a book for an idea as you do looking through a website for the latest bling effect.
- It was relaxing.
- Imagining myself performing the tricks is different to watching someone else do them. I almost get the thrill of the performance and develop a real itch to try them out.
I’m sure this is falling on some deaf ears, may be that is you? It isn’t because some people aren’t book people. It is simply because they haven’t found the right book, the book that changes everything.
For years with my daughter we tried Roald Dahl, J.K Rowling and David Walliams with no breakthrough. Then by chance she got given the book, Wonder by R.J Palacio and she couldn’t put it down. She hasn’t looked back since. My book was, Fantastic Mr. Fox.
Hands up learning moves and sleights is easier with a video tutorial, but that is the dry functional bit of magic. The artistic stuff is better learnt from a book.
And books like Semi-Automatic Card Tricks are packed full of strong magic with no sleights.
Please don’t give up on reading, keep searching for your Wonder.