Cloak by Chris Congreave is absolute comedy genius, probably the best rug pull gag in card magic. I didn’t see the punchline coming, no one will. Chris has basically raised the love child of Monty Python and John Bannon.
Your sap turns over his cards to reveal a Royal Flush, an unbeatable hand in poker, leaving you the magician in trouble. Until you reveal, you weren’t playing poker at all but Cluedo. You turn your cards over to reveal Colonel Mustard, the library with the lead pipe and a that’s ten pounds you owe me card. This is a genuinely funny packet trick.
It is very easy to do and I bet you won’t be able to wait to try it out. The instructions are printed with illustrations, they are clear even if you aren’t familiar with John Bannon or Paul Gordon’s work. There is a performance video too.
Chris also throws in some extra cards, my favourite being a cucumber as a weapon card. It just adds even more humour and compliments the ridiculousness. There is a blank card so you can convert the bet card to your local currency and a card that says Clue rather than Cluedo again for different regions.
The back design of the cards is Steve Dela’s Night Flight which have an aged look. I don’t know the reason for the aged appearance they have been given but it is fine and they handle and look great.
Whether it is a very British trick I don’t know, I think humour is slowly becoming more universal, as other countries catch up with us.
Cloak has rocketed to my favourite packet trick, it is strong magic and hilarious.
It is £27.99 and can be found here: